Invitation: WAMD satellite event: The Prague Rules on Conduct of the Taking of Evidence: an alternative to the IBA Rules?

11.05.2018 Nachricht

WAMD satellite event: 
The Prague Rules on Conduct of the Taking of Evidence: an alternative to the IBA Rules?

24 May 2018

Time: 17.30 – 19.00 
Venue: GESSEL, Sienna 39, 00-121 Warsaw 
Sienna 39, XV floor

The Prague Rules are intended to tackle the issue of the time- and costs-efficiency of arbitral proceedings, particularly those involving cases between the parties from civil law jurisdictions and generally not being very complicated ones. The Rules are based on the traditional inquisitorial model of procedure and would impose a more active role on the tribunals. Therefore, the drafters believe that developing the rules on conduct of the taking of evidence would contribute to increasing efficiency in international arbitration. 

The round table is aimed at obtaining the feedback form the audience – potential users of the Prague Rules, which will next be taken into consideration by the Rules Working Group while revising the Rules draft. 

The discussion will cover such issues as: proactive role of the Tribunal; fact finding; different types of evidence (documentary evidence, fact or expert witness statements), jura novit curia principle, hearing, assistance in amicable settlement; adverse inference and allocation of costs. 

The round table discussion will be chaired by coordinators and members of the Prague Rules Working Group, including Vladimir Khvalei, Alexandre Khrapoutski and Olena Perepelynska, as well as Dr. Konrad Czech, who will join the panel of coordinators and members of the Prague Rules Working Group as its moderator. The event will provide arbitration practitioners with a unique opportunity to contribute to fine-tuning of the new tool in soft law of international arbitration, which could be particularly useful in their arbitration practice.


REGISTER for the event. Participation is free of charge. Language of the event is English (without translation). The number of participants is limited. Should you have questions, please contact Konrad Czech at

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