ICC YAF: Gone with the Wind? The Future of Investment Arbitration in the EU in the Wake of the Achmea Award
24.05.2018 Aktualności
On Tuesday, May 22, GESSEL hosted a ICC Young Arbitrators Forum (ICC YAF) meeting. The main topic of the meeting was the Future of investment arbitration in the EU in the Wake of the Achmea award. YAF ICC event was a warm-up for the Warsaw Arbitration and Mediation Days, taking place on May 23-25.
Meeting began with a welcome speech by Dr. Beata Gessel-Kalinowska vel Kalisz, who then gave the floor to Natalia Jodłowska, Attorney at law, managing associate, GESSEL, Poland and other speakers: Ivana Blagojevic, Deputy Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration, France, Ewelina Wętrys, Attorney at law, K&L Gates, Poland, Luis Fernando Rodríguez, Attorney at law, Armesto & Asociados, Spain, Bartosz Soloch, Assistant Counsel, General Counsel to the Republic of Poland, Damien Devot, Partner at Meyer Fabre Avocats.
Speakers’ opinions initiated a debate on the future of investment arbitration in the European Union and the consequences of the recent CJEU judgment in the case of the Slovak Republic against Achmea B.V. (Case C-284/16).
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