Kancelaria GESSEL wyróżniona w rankingu IFLR1000 2022
24.08.2022 Aktualności
Z przyjemnością informujemy, że Kancelaria GESSEL została rekomendowana w międzynarodowym rankingu IFLR1000 w kategoriach M&A, Capital markets: Equity, Capital markets: Debt oraz Banking.
Indywidualne wyróżnienia otrzymali:
- Dr Beata Gessel-Kalinowska vel Kalisz – highly regarded w kategorii M&A;
- Marcin Macieszczak – highly regarded w kategoriach M&A oraz Private equity;
- Małgorzata Badowska – notable practitioner w kategoriach Banking, Capital markets: Debt oraz M&A;
- Karol Sokół – notable practitioner w kategorii M&A.
Tak mówią o nas klienci:
„We are very satisfied with the work of Gessel. Gessel attorneys are very committed but it’s not the type of involvement based on the regular professional employer-employee relationship. We see that our counsels truly like their job, like the place they are working in, like their colleagues and like their bosses, not mentioning us – we also feel liked. Their profession is not easy, they are usually working under a lot of stress so it is very important for them (but also for us to them) to feel supported by their workplace. What is really important for us is the timing – Gessel attorneys are very quick. They are responsive and very proactive. What is also worth mentioning is a top-notch sense of humour that lets us survive all the ups and downs. As Gessel is helping us with a lot of different issues we sometimes hear opinions about their work from our partners, banks, other lawyers, etc. They always express that working with our lawyers from Gessel is a pleasure. This is worth more than 1000 words and means a lot to us.”
IFLR 1000 to zbiór wiodących światowych firm z branży finansowej i prawniczej, publikowany od 1990 roku. Obecnie w rankingu badanych jest ponad 120 jurysdykcji na całym świecie. Ranking obejmuje następujące kategorie: Banking, Capital markets, M&A, Private equity, Project development, Project finance, Restructuring and insolvency. Zestawienia przygotowywane są na podstawie całorocznych badań i analiz prowadzonych przez reasercherów, w oparciu o najważniejsze wydarzenia (znaczące transakcje i wiadomości z kancelarii).
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