Merry Christmas

21.12.2018 Nachricht


We wish you a restful,
happy Christmas
and every success
in the New Year!



Card designed by Krzysztof Mężyk, an artist cooperating with the GESSEL Foundation for Zachęta – National Gallery of Art.

Krzysztof Mężyk was born in 1984 in Krakow, where he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts (in 2009, from the department of painting, where he studied under Prof. Leszek Misiak) and where he is based to this day. A visual artist and painter, his works are notable for their concise, thoroughly planned structure and composition; his unique style has been described in terms of “new visual art” and “abstract lyricism”. Awarded first prize in the all-Polish competition “Interior” organised in 2011 by the Green Carrot Foundation for Development of Art. GESSEL has partnered with Green Carrot in organising an exhibition of Krzysztof’s paintings; his works were also shown in over a dozen individual exhibitions and in many collective exhibitions.

The GESSEL Foundation for Zachęta – National Gallery of Art was established by our firm in cooperation with Zachęta – National Gallery of Art with the goal of propagating modern art and art historical research.


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