Portugal-Madeira-Malta Tax Seminar

06.10.2017 Aktualności

Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie z cyklu seminariów poświęconych kwestiom prawnym i podatkowym inwestycji transgranicznych, które odbędzie się w dniu 17 października 2017 roku w siedzibie Kancelarii GESSEL!

GESSEL Attorneys at Law 
has the pleasure to invite you to the: 

Tax Optimization in the CFC Environment: Portugal-Madeira-Malta Tax Seminar 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

GESSEL Attorneys at Law, Sienna 39, Warsaw 

Chair: Dr. Janusz Fiszer , Partner, Head of Tax Practice, GESSEL Attorneys at Law

In the time of changing CFC regulations and ever-narrowing tax optimization options, for both corporations and individuals, Portugal and, in particular, in the Portuguese island of Madeira, as well as Malta, still offer affordable practical tax solutions. The Portugal-Madeira-Malta Tax Seminar is jointly organized by the GESSEL Law Office and Dixcart , an international firm providing full-scope corporate services in the UK, Portugal (including Madeira), Switzerland, Ireland, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Malta, Cyprus, South Africa and Nevis. The Seminar will offer an unique opportunity to get the first-hand information from the experienced Portuguese and international corporate and tax practitioners.

The Seminar will be held in English. 


9:30 – 10:00

Registration/Morning coffee

10:00 – 10:15

Welcome and Introduction to the Seminar & Speakers. CFC Background. –
Dr. Janusz Fiszer, Head of Tax Practice, GESSEL

Opening Address – Special Guest Ms. Natasha Meli-Daudey, H.E. Ambassador of Malta to Poland

CFC Background Dr. Janusz Fiszer, Head of Tax Practice, GESSEL

10:15 – 11:00

Portuguese Solutions: Non-Habitual Residence Regime in Portugal, Portuguese Corporate Structures (including special corporate income tax regime in Madeira).Antonio Pereira, Manager, Dixcart Management Portugal

11:00 – 11:30

Maltese Solutions: Maltese Residence Regime, Maltese Corporate Structures and Private Foundations Henno Kotze, Business Relationship Manager, Dixcart Management Malta

11:30 – 11:45

Questions, Discussion, Wrap-up & Farewell, ALL


Snacks & Networking


Antonio Pereira (Portugal): António graduated in Law at the Autónoma University in Lisbon. After that, António did a specialization in Commercial and Business Law at the University of Lisbon. Before joining Dixcart in 2017, António has worked for almost 4 years in a law firm, first as a trainee and then as a lawyer. António currently works at the Lisbon office of Dixcart Portugal

Henno Kotze (Malta): Henno Kotze studied at the University of Johannesburg and qualified as a South African Chartered Accountant in 2006 with EY Johannesburg. Prior to joining Dixcart in 2016 he worked at an investment bank in Johannesburg (2007 – 2016). Henno currently works at Dixcart Malta as a business relationship manager.


1. The seminar is free of charge; we welcome participants on a first come, first served basis.

2. Please register by October 16, 2017 by sending an e-mail to: k.ziemba@gessel.pl

3. If the originally registered participant is unable to participate, we welcome another member of her/his organization.

4. The seminar’s organizer reserves the right to amend the programme and to cancel the seminar.

5. By registering to participate, you grant permission for processing your personal data in connection with the meeting organized by Gessel, Koziorowski Sp. k. with its registered seat in 00-121 Warsaw, at Sienna Street no. 39, as provided for in the legislative Act of August 29, 1997 regarding personal data protection (2002 Dz.U. No 101, item 926 – consolidated text with subsequent amendments).

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