NEWSLETTER Nr 26, maj 2011
29.04.2011 Publikacje
Z przyjemnością chcielibyśmy zaprezentować Państwu inauguracyjny numer Newslettera ChinaGoAbroad, przygotowywanego przez TransAsia Lawyers, jedną z wiodących chińskich kancelarii prawnych przy współudziale 12 kancelarii i firm doradztwa podatkowego z całego świata. Newsletter oraz związana z nim strona internetowa poświęcone są zagadnieniom związanym z chińskimi inwestycjami zagranicznymi. Jesteśmy zaszczyceni, że możemy współpracować z TransAsia Lawyers przy tworzeniu sekcji Newslettera poświęconej inwestycjom w Polsce.
“ 中国走出去 ” 新 闻快报创刊号正式发布 , 敬 请阅览 !
本快 报致力于提供专门针对中国投资者开展海外项目的最新趋势和投资法规环境变化的热点资讯。快报还将以专栏呈现投资机会、培训和活动等精彩内容。快报有幸邀得逾十余家国际顶级律师事务所联袂奉上有关投资实务的主题文章 。
“ 中国走出去 ” ( 即将正式上 线,敬祈关注!在相关政府机构、专业中介机构、各类国际项目方、国际范围相关产业协会、一流的国际律师事务所以及其他合作伙伴的大力协助下,作为海外投资的一站式服务,致 力于独家全方位地及 时提供中国海外投资的权威资讯,包括:
- 实际并最新的投资机 会
- 中国公司海外投 资系列培 训
- 国 际争议解决动 态
- 背景 调查及尽职调查有关信息及专业服务机 构
- 海外就 业、签证和移民有关主要问 题
Welcome to the inaugural issue of the ChinaGoAbroad Newsletter!
This newsletter is dedicated to recent trends and legislative changes which are specifically relevant to Chinese investors undertaking projects overseas. Future editions will also feature information regarding investment opportunities, training, events and more. We are privileged to have 12 of the world’s leading law firms contributing practical and topical articles as of this inaugural issue.
Stay tuned for the launch of our website,!
With the support of key governmental agencies, professional intermediary institutions, international project companies, international industrial associations, leading law firms, leading accounting and tax firms, and other partners, this „one-stop shop” for outbound investment is committed to providing exclusive, up-to-date and authoritative content about every aspect of outbound investment from China, including:
- Actual, up-to-date investment opportunities;
- Training services relevant to Chinese companies investing abroad;
- The latest information on international dispute resolution;
- Information about, and professional service providers for, background checks and due diligence; and
- Key aspects on overseas employment, visa and immigration matters
澳大利 亚 | Australia
2011 年十大并购预测
澳大利 亚 Freehills
Top 10 Predictions for M&A in 2011
Australia | Freehills
澳大利 亚资源税:谁来付?付多少 ?
澳大利 亚 Greenwoods & Freehills
The MRRT: Who Pays and How Much?
Australia | Greenwoods & Freehills
巴西 | Brazil
巴西 Veirano Advogados
Potential Changes and Forthcoming Opportunities in the Brazilian Mining Sector
Brazil | Veirano Advogados
加拿大 | Canada
Potash 决定对日后加拿大外资投资审核的影响
加拿大 Torys LLP
The Implications of the Potash Decision on Canadian Foreign Investment Review Going Forward
Canada | Torys LLP
主 权财富基金和新兴市场其他投资者的替代性投资交易结 构
加拿大 Torys LLP
Alternative Transaction Structures for Investments by Sovereign Wealth Funds and Other Investors from Emerging Markets
Canada | Torys LLP
智利 | Chile
2011 年智利矿业展望
智利 Grasty Quintana Majlis & Cia
Outlook for 2011 in Chile’s Mining Sector
Chile | Grasty Quintana Majlis & Cia
境外投 资机 会
智利 Grasty Quintana Majlis & Cia
Outbound Foreign Investment Opportunities
Chile | Grasty Quintana Majlis & Cia
中国 | China
境外投 资实践中障碍的确定与解 决
中国 权亚律师事务所
Identifying and Addressing Obstacles to Outbound Investment in Practice
China | TransAsia Lawyers
发改委下放境外投资项目核准权 限
中国 权亚律师事务所
NDRC Delegates Approval Authority for Outbound Investments
China | TransAsia Lawyers
德国 | Germany
德国 Weitnauer
Venture Capital in Germany: A Summary
Germany | Weitnauer
日本 | Japan
日本 TA Lawyers
Termination of Employees in Japan: Legal Challenges and Best Practices
Japan | TA Lawyers
新西 兰 | New Zealand
新西 兰 Bell Gully
Inward Investment into New Zealand and the Overseas Investment Regime as it Applies to Land
New Zealand | Bell Gully
波 兰 | Poland
告别过去 着眼未来华人在波兰投资的政治与社会环境
Let’s Break What We Just Built – The Political and Social Climate for Chinese Investment in Poland
Poland | GESSEL
南非 | South Africa
南非 Bowman Gilfillan
Penalty for Failing to Obtain Water-use Licence can be Severe
South Africa | Bowman Gilfillan
瑞士 | Switzerland
瑞士 : 总部设立及管理职能、金融和贸易服务、专业制造的理想之选
瑞士 Wenger & Vieli
Switzerland as a Location for Head Quarter and Management Functions, Financial and Trading Services and Specialty Manufacturing
Switzerland | Wenger & Vieli
美国 | U.S.A
美国上网电价补贴尝试 : 三大日照充足地区的教训和经验
美国 Milbank
Feed-in-Tariff Experimentation in the U.S.: Lessons and Experiences from Three Sunny Jurisdictions
U.S.A. | Milbank
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